Would you be able to share a guide on how to setup Magica using iOS shortcuts app? When I press the ? Button behind this option, it explains what it is used for, but not how to set it up
Hi, I will produce a little guide accessibile in-app.
Thanks for the feedback!
Hi there, I also am having trouble with the shortcuts in iOS 18.3.
I have created 2 shortcuts –
1. When carplay connects open Magica app and Start a drive with Magica.
2. When carplay disconnect open magica app, stop and save the trip on magica.
If i have both of these enabled when I plug my phone into my car and carplay starts, it says the autmation has run but nothing happens, app doesn’t open. Even if i have the app open and plug my phone in it doesn’t start the journey. When I unplug my phone and carplay stops it says automation run and then Magica says “looks like you have started moving and starts the trip, it then stops the trip a few moments later. If i turn off 1 nothing happens plugging or unpluuging. If i turn off 1 and add connect and disconnect to 2 nothing happens.
I have also tried bluetooth connection however it started my trip but stopped after about 1km and didn’t record the full trip. I think the Automatic worked the best for me except it starts recording when walking around.
I have been unable to find the “Guide” from your previous reply?
I’m working on the Shortcut actions because I noticed that Apple do now allow to open an app from shortcuts when device is not unlocked (on Springboard). This is a problem because do not allow to start and stop Magica tracking.
I added an option on Tracking settings to allow start when CarPlay is activate and Magica is opened on CarPlay. This options works almost well, anyways, sometimes iOS do not start Magica directly on CarPlay and needs a minimum user action.
Unfortunately Apple do not help me to completely automatize the Magica tracking but I’m working active on it.
If you want you can also write me to support email and we can discuss about it.