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  • in risposta a: Need help with iOS shortcuts app #1141

    Hi there, I also am having trouble with the shortcuts in iOS 18.3.
    I have created 2 shortcuts –
    1. When carplay connects open Magica app and Start a drive with Magica.
    2. When carplay disconnect open magica app, stop and save the trip on magica.

    If i have both of these enabled when I plug my phone into my car and carplay starts, it says the autmation has run but nothing happens, app doesn’t open. Even if i have the app open and plug my phone in it doesn’t start the journey. When I unplug my phone and carplay stops it says automation run and then Magica says “looks like you have started moving and starts the trip, it then stops the trip a few moments later. If i turn off 1 nothing happens plugging or unpluuging. If i turn off 1 and add connect and disconnect to 2 nothing happens.

    I have also tried bluetooth connection however it started my trip but stopped after about 1km and didn’t record the full trip. I think the Automatic worked the best for me except it starts recording when walking around.

    I have been unable to find the “Guide” from your previous reply?

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