Electric car, how to take care of it

5 April 2024

Electric cars are increasingly replacing thermal ones and will be the standard in the near future. For those who have not yet made the transition or who are about to do so, there are some precautions to keep in mind to avoid running into problems.

Battery maintenance

This is the topic that is closest to the heart of those who are undecided whether to switch to an electric car or not. I’ll tell you straight away to rest assured, the batteries are designed to last a long time. But correct use increases their life.

Optimal state of charge

It is important to try to maintain the charging status within certain parameters. The most modern electric cars try to warn the driver about the state of charge but when in doubt, it is better to know what it is.

The battery of an electric car must be kept between 20% and 80% of its capacity. This helps keep cells alive longer. Simply put, it is better to try not to completely discharge the battery and when possible, not always charge it to 100%.

This is a rough indication, it is normal to go down or up those percentages in daily use but it is better, if possible, not to do so.


Batteries are sensitive to temperature. This in fact affects both the charging duration and the charging speed. Unfortunately we cannot control this parameter but it is important to know the reaction of your car and not to worry if we see, for example, a loss of even 15% of your battery’s autonomy in winter.

In fact, with very low temperatures (below 10°C) it is possible to see higher consumption and a slower charging speed. Nothing to worry about then!

Battery Charge

It’s easy to say “refill” but there are many types of refills possible and each with its own peculiarities. Let’s see them in detail.

Slow charging (Home)

This is the best refill. Firstly because it is the most comfortable one. We get home and plug the car into charging. Convenient and economical. In fact, the cost per KWH at home is very low compared to any column.

Furthermore, very slow charging like domestic charging increases the life of the battery. We will see why later.

Slow Charging (Public)

These are the classic public charging stations that we find around. Their speed is 22KWH but the actual charging speed depends on the charger installed in the car. For example, my electric Opel Corsa has a 7KWH charger.

It is an excellent compromise between speed, costs and optimization of battery life.

Fast charging

These are the Fast charging stations that can go to 50, 100 or more KWH. They allow you to charge the battery in a very short time (even just 20 minutes up to 80%). The cost per KWH is higher and it is not recommended to frequently charge in this way as it tends to erode the quality of the battery (in the long term of course).

Software and updates

Electric cars are large computers and therefore are subject to software updates just like a smartphone or computer.

It is therefore important to update the software when available to keep your car in the best condition. For example, an update could contain a simple update of the navigator maps but also the optimization of the batteries or other important components.

What if the car remains stationary for a long time?
This is another question I get asked often. Don’t worry, the battery will not run down or be damaged.

They are designed to last a long time and do not behave like cell phone or scooter batteries which run down after a short time.

Vehicle maintenance

An electric car is also very advantageous due to its low routine maintenance. In fact, compared to a combustion car, the electric one requires many fewer controls. This is given by the fewer mechanical parts involved, no engine oil, no belts or chains, no additional transmission. All these missing components are reflected in the lower maintenance required and therefore also in economic savings.

All the classic components obviously remain such as the windshield wipers, tires and so on.

A special note goes to the brakes which, unlike thermal cars, consume much less in electric ones. This is due to the presence of single-pedal driving (or almost in some models).

In fact, the electric car has a charging function in the engine brake, that is, when you take your foot off the accelerator the car brakes and recharges the batteries. This functionality is used precisely for braking and is used instead of the brakes which in this case are used in a different way.

All this translates into limited use of tablets and discs, increasing their life and saving both ecologically and economically.

How to manage an electric car

Managing any car correctly is important, even more so an electric car. Magica Mileage Tracker for iPhone was created especially for this.

Thanks to Magica, in fact, it is possible to manage every aspect of the car, from trips to consumption up to maintenance and deadlines.

You can try it for free by downloading it directly from the App Store!